Faith in action
Walk with CEO Brooke Prentis by becoming an ongoing supporter
Today, we're delighted to announce Common Grace’s new CEO.
Make a donationBrooke Prentis shares with us her vision for Common Grace's next season.
I’m so humbled and excited by all the wonderful support and encouragement that’s been shown to me and Common Grace in these last days.
As we enter this new season, I’m so glad that behind me is a whole movement of people hungering for Jesus’ generosity, beauty and justice to be more visible in our world. This movement is not uniform. Uniformity comes when a dominant culture decides who is in and who is out, instead we’re a strange mix.
We’re a mix of church goers and non-church goers. We’re from capital cities, regional centres and rural communities. We’re a mix of genders and cultures and financial situations and ages and stages. But what we hold in common is our love for Jesus and our belief that justice should and will flow like a river in the world. What we hold in common is God’s grace to us all; Christ lived, died and rose for everyone, God showers his rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. And I’m so glad we’re in this together!
I’m excited about being part of a movement that celebrates that Australia has the world’s oldest living continuing cultures and wants to see the truth told and the future made together.
I’m excited about being part of a movement that sees the nurture and protection of the earth as worth more than greed and profit, and will stand up and speak out against climate disruption.
I’m excited about being part of a movement that seeks to love our neighbour as ourselves, even those neighbours we have yet to meet, who are looking for safety on our shores.
I’m excited about being part of a movement that’s determined to transform cultures that disfigure and harm so that everywhere women and children experience safety.
I’m looking forward to dreaming with you from February 2020 about how we live our love for Jesus and justice out in these lands now called Australia. Right now, I’m imagining more gatherings in real life, more local community networks, more resources for local churches to use. I’m dreaming of Common Grace doing more active mobilisation, of engaging in anti-poverty justice campaigning and of being a louder christian voice in the public square. I long to hear the voice of Jesus, echo across our nation in acts of faith, hope and love.
But in all this, I need your support both personally and for the movement.
So please join me in praying for what we will do together.
Keep joining in and encouraging others to take part by signing up on the website, following Common Grace on social media @commongraceaus, and sharing our content. How awesome would it be to be able to say we are a movement of 50,000 Australian Christians by the time I start as CEO!
Consider becoming a monthly donor at this time, so that Common Grace has the strength of your financial backing for this new season.
Walk with me in this season and become a Common Grace monthly donor
In anticipation of all God will do through us in the years ahead,
Today, we're delighted to announce Common Grace’s new CEO.
Make a donation