Week 1 - Listening to God's Beautiful Earth
Aboriginal Christian Leader Brooke Prentis shares how all of God’s wondrous creation can teach, tell, speak, and inform us – if we would just listen.
Aboriginal Christian Leader Brooke Prentis shares how all of God’s wondrous creation can teach, tell, speak, and inform us – if we would just listen.
Brooke Prentis interviews Aunty Jean Phillips about the Aboriginal women who have shaped her life, her ministries empowering the next generation of Aboriginal Christian leaders, and her vision to see the Australian Church partnering with Aboriginal ministries in the healing of this land.
Brooke Prentis launches our NAIDOC Week Series, "Because of her, we can!" with a powerful reflection on the women who have shaped her life, and the opportunity for us all this NAIDOC Week.
Brooke Prentis reflects on National Reconciliation Week 2018 as it comes to a close and thanks the Common Grace community for coming on the journey of friendship.
Brooke Prentis launches Reconciliation Week with a powerful video message on Rethinking Reconciliation, and offers us an invitation to friendship.
Shane Clifton and Brooke Prentis explore how "those who mourn" can find blessing, happiness and comfort in the Kingdom of God.
For Brooke Prentis the unexpected beauty of the Grasstree symbolises the versatility, strength, and longevity of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leaders.
Brooke Prentis reflects on #ClintonsWalkForJustice and the injustices Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples still face in Australia, exhorting us to walk forward together, step-by-step.
We grieve for Wayne Fella Morrission. We grieve for Tane Chatfield. We grieve for every preventable death in custody.
Brooke Prentis invites us to love, to listen, to share as we reconcile divided cultures through a shared love of all of God's creation.