Challenge, expectation and opportunity
Naomi Wolfe invites us to listen in times of challenge, expectation and opportunity.
Naomi Wolfe invites us to listen in times of challenge, expectation and opportunity.
Helen Lockwood reflects on the baby who draws all people together.
There is profound worship as we wait in this in-between space, where lament and hope exist side by side.
“Jesus is usually not the kind of salvation we are looking for.” Tara Conradt reflects on the unexpected twist in the Good News story.
Melissa Lipsett reminds us that in a world of turmoil and conflict, peace is given to even the smelliest and least attractive members creation.
Chris Morphew reflects on the profound lesson of trust that we learn from Mary and Joseph.
In the wake of November’s ferocious bushfires, Jonathan Cornford is longing for healing and renewal.
Sam Chan reflects on the intimate relationship of love which God offers in response to our longing.
Action and longing go hand in hand. Jessica Morthorpe reflects on the hope of climate action.
As we sit in a place of longing, Emma Pittman reminds us that amongst the anguish there is joy and hope.