Today, we renew our commitment to Treaty.  

1770 & 1788 - A Claim. 1988 - A Promise. 1991 - A Song. 

The Common Grace movement invites you to watch and share the Treaty video, as part of our commitment to being led by our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders in pursuing friendship and Reconciliation in our lifetime. 

The Treaty video was released as part of Common Grace’s campaign, Treaty and Truth Telling for Healing Country, across National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week 2021.
Please SHARE this video and TAKE ACTION for healing country:

SIGN for healing country

Add your name to A Petition for Healing Country, calling the Parliament of Australia to seek true Reconciliation, based on truth, justice, and action. 

GIVE for healing country 

The unfinished business of Reconciliation needs you.. and it needs resourcing. Donate today to the Reconciliation Appeal as an act of pursuing Reconciliation for Healing Country.


This page is part of Common Grace's Treaty and Truth Telling for Healing Country campaign