Encyclical for Dummies

Encyclical for Dummies

We've put together an 'Encyclical for Dummies' Guide for those of you wanting to get your head around the Pope's Encyclical?

To make the most of the season, we have developed a fun online quiz called “The Encyclical for Dummies”. Check it out!

This week Pope Francis called a 'World Day of Prayer for Creation' for Christians tomorrow (September 1st), it is also the first day of the liturgical calendar’s 'Season of Creation' which many of us have long observed as a time to really focus on caring for God’s beautiful earth.

To make the most of the season, we have developed a fun online quiz called “The Encyclical for Dummies” that we would love you to enjoy yourself and also use as a way of contributing our Christian voice to the ‘inter webs’ today.  We all know that there is a certain expectation of what “Christian issues” are and “caring for the earth” is not usually one of them! Let’s use this season as a chance to surprise people with a compelling voice that speaks of grace and justice.

Check out the Encyclical for Dummies here


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Creation & Climate Justice