Learn about the issues

The history of our nation deeply affects the present and our future. We must know our past and the details of our present to navigate and create our future.

The history of our nation deeply affects the present and our future. We must know our past and the details of our present to navigate and create our future.

Watch SBS series First Australians

If you are on a journey learning about Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander justice issues and the true history of this land now called Australia, one of the best first steps is to watch the SBS Series First Australians.

First Australians chronicles the birth of contemporary Australia as never told before, from the perspective of its first people. First Australians explores what unfolds when the oldest living culture in the world is overrun by the world's greatest empire. 

Over seven episodes, First Australians depicts the true stories of individuals - both black and white - caught in an epic drama of friendship, revenge, loss and victory in Australia's most transformative period of history. 

The story begins in 1788 in Sydney, with the friendship between an Englishmen (Governor Phillip) and a warrior (Bennelong) and ends in 1993 with Koiki Mabo's legal challenge to the foundation of Australia. First Australians chronicles the collision of two worlds and the genesis of a new nation. The series has been created in extensive consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Learn more and watch First Australians on SBS On Demand

We encourage you to watch this series with a group of friends, so that you can together discuss what you are learning and process collectively.

Explore the issues in detail

Over time we will seek to resource this website with detailed exploration of Aboriginal justice issues, and key steps you can take as Christian seeking to faithfully engage. Explore the following pages to learn more about specific Aboriginal justice issues:

If there is other content you are looking for to learn about Aboriginal & Torres Strait justice issues, please email us at [email protected].