Get involved with Common Grace by becoming a monthly supporter.

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Your donation will be processed on Dec 08 each month.

From our movement of 47,000 Christians in Australia, we operate from the generosity of monthly donors - people like you.

That's why we need your monthly support.

In the last year we have been supported by a small base of people giving around $50 per month. With this support we've formed, celebrated and mobilised Christians to Jesus-centred action across all our issue areas.

None of this would have happened without the support of people like you, generously getting involved by giving a small amount each month.

But we have so much more to do, and we need you to get involved.

Funds cover our costs enabling us to employ our small part-time team and run our projects. We urgently need to grow our team, and scale the ambition of our campaigns, and we can only do this with your support.

Could you give to support our work?

Give a once off gift or make a monthly donation by credit card to the right, or use our bank account details to donate and even set up a regular donation direct with your bank:

Our bank details are - 
Account Name: Christians for Justice Ltd   
BSB: 633-000    
A/c: 152 835 336
Please write your name in the description field and let Jess Smith, our Operations Director know your gift is coming at: [email protected]

Get involved and come a little deeper on the Common Grace journey by becoming a monthly supporter today.

© Music in video by Ehrling.