At Common Grace, we are animated by a vision of the world filled with the goodness God intends for it, where injustices are righted, where all have enough, and people and the rest of creation flourish as they live in right-relationship with one another and God.
One of the ways we work towards this dream becoming reality is through advocacy.
Advocacy is the process of influencing those with the power to make change to do so. We believe our advocacy is part of a God given prophetic vocation to call for justice and the transformation of policies, systems and norms that harm people and creation.
As a movement, we advocate together in many varied and creative ways. We raise awareness in our communities, we meet with leaders and Parliamentarians, we engage in letter-writing campaigns, and we sign petitions. In doing so, we seek to confidently and graciously influence the attitudes, beliefs, and policies of those in power, whose decisions can help create a more just future for First Nations Peoples, for people seeking asylum, for women facing domestic and family violence and for God’s beautiful creation.
In all these things we seek to deepen our own understanding and empathy on issues of injustice; we seek to listen to and amplify the voices of those with lived experiences of injustice; and we seek to call for policy and systemic change that we believe will move Australia to look more like the nation God would have it be - a place where goodness, love and grace prevail.
We invite you to join this advocacy work today, as we seek to build a more just future for all people and all creation.