
Rediscover Jesus' words about life in the Kingdom of God in this teaching series from Common Grace and Bible Society Australia.

Every year, millions of Christians around the world prepare themselves for Easter by recognising the season of Lent, a time to walk with God in anticipation, reflection and humility.

This Lent, Common Grace and The Bible Society invite us to create space in our busy lives, as we journey together through a central part of Jesus’ teaching and ministry: The Beatitudes.

We've invited Christian teachers from across the country to journey us through the Beatitudes across 40 days. Every five days we'll have a new video on one of the Beatitudes, along with bible readings and some spiritual practises that may help you explore each Beatitude more deeply.

This series has been produced in partnership with Common Grace and Bible Society Australia. Through this series we hope you are inspired, moved, convicted and confronted as we explore how Jesus calls us to beauty, generosity and justice in today’s world.

Meet our inspiring contributors to this series

  • archbishop-kay-goldsworthy.png
    Kay Goldsworthy
    Anglican Archbishop of Perth
  • erica-hamence.png
    Erica Hamence
    Assistant Minister, Barneys
  • uncle-sealin-garlett.png
    Uncle Sealin Garlett
    Aboriginal Pastor and Elder
  • brooke-prentis.png
    Brooke Prentis
    Aboriginal Christian Leader
  • karina-kreminski.png
    Rev Karina Kreminski
    Morling Theological College
  • matthew-tan.png
    Matthew Tan
    Lecturer in Theology, University of Notre Dame
  • mike-gor.png
    Mike Gore
    CEO, Open Doors
  • rev-bob-mitchell.png
    Rev Bob Mitchell
    CEO, Anglican Overseas Aid
  • rev-michael-paget.png
    Rev Michael Paget
    Senior Minister, Barneys
  • dr-shane-clifton.png
    Dr Shane Clifton
    Alphacrucis College
  • jarrod-mckenna.png
    Jarrod McKenna
    Christian Activist

This series is brought to you by Common Grace and Bible Society Australia.