Mike Paget and Erica Hamence explore what it means to be "poor in spirit" and how the empty-handed find fullness in the kingdom of God.
What does it mean to be merciful? How does this relate to justice? And what can we learn about the very nature of God's own love through Christ's example of loving kindness and compassion?
In today’s video teaching, the newly appoint Anglican Archbishop of Perth, Kay Goldsworthy, reflects on her own experience of receiving God's forgiveness and mercy, and through that gift learning what it means for us to show the same.
"Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall receive mercy."
God’s mercy is his love, the forgiveness and grace of God are his very mercy, his very justice. We see in Jesus the most beautiful example of what it means to be merciful, forgiving and compassionate – ultimately expressed through the cross.
So what does the cross mean in terms of mercy? It’s Father into your hands I commend my spirit. It's today you'll be with me in paradise. It's forgive them for they don't know what they're doing. It's God giving himself completely. It is here that we see Jesus’ full heart and soul, giving himself completely for the promise of our eternal freedom and liberation. And it is here that we learn the deep and powerful reality of God's grace that we too are call to practise.
Create space this week to hear Archbishop Kay Goldworthy's beautiful teaching on the grace, compassion and mercy of God, and allow yourself to receive that mercy. Be open to God's loving kindness, his steadfast love. Let it wash over you. Then share it with others as you put into practise the mercy of God as you are merciful to those around you.
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Daily Readings: Mar 7 - Mar 13
This week, we're reflecting on what Jesus says about "mercy" through the following passages:
Wed, Mar 7 | Matthew 5:7 (our Beatitude for this week) |
Thur, Mar 8 | Matthew 4:12-17 (what was Jesus’ ministry about?) |
Fri, Mar 9 | Matthew 18:21-35 (what might mercy look like?) |
Sat, Mar 10 | Luke 7:36-48 (how do those who experience mercy feel?) |
Sun, Mar 11 | Luke 15:3-7 (what is God’s mercy like?) |
Mon, Mar 12 | Psalm 145:8-9 (how is mercy central to God’s character?) |
Tue, Mar 13 | Hebrews 4:14-16 (How do we live as followers of a merciful God?) |
Spiritual Practise: The Ignatian Method of Scripture reading
This week, when reading the daily passages place yourself in the story or teaching. Where would you stand? What do your surroundings look like? What can you smell or hear? What would you ask Jesus? For more on this way of reading, click here.
With Your Church: Pray for your local community
In the neighbourhoods around your church there are people and families who are struggling, where circumstances have left them broken, hurting or destitute. As a community, lift them up in prayer during your weekly service. Pray that God will show his loving kindness, his mercy, his grace to them. And then prepare yourselves to be part of the answer to that prayer. Explore how your church can show mercy and compassion to those in your neighbourhood, to meet with them and build friendships, to support them in their needs, particularly those we may perhaps over look or feel are undeserving of kindness.
Together let's put into practise this week's teaching as we show mercy, just as we've been shown mercy.
Bishop Kay Goldsworthy is the newly appointed Archbishop of Perth, in the Anglican Province of Western Australia.
This video was filmed and edited by Braden Scott, with music licensed from The Brilliance.
This series has been produced by Common Grace and Bible Society Australia.