Loving God, creator and sustainer of all.
You bring light into darkness, and darkness cannot overcome the light of your love. During this month of raising awareness of domestic violence we ask that the light of your love will reveal that which is so often hidden - the suffering of many of your daughters who are subjected to abuse, control, emotional and psychological injury, physical and sexual violence at the hands of someone they have loved or trusted. Pour out your love into the hearts of those who continue to suffer: remind them that you are the God who sees, and you know every detail of their experiences; remind them that you are their strength and refuge, they are not to blame; remind them that you are their Shepherd, and you long to tenderly care for them and restore their dignity and joy.
For those who have further suffered when your word has been used against them to dominate and destroy, or when those who should have offered care and hope within the church community have only added to guilt and shame- we ask that you would hold them until they can trust you again.
For those who continue on their journey of recovery, remind them daily of their strength to survive, and when they grow weary, be their strength and their fortress, a resting place in times of struggle.
Lord you are the one who works righteousness and justice for the oppressed, you stretch out your hand against our foes, with your right hand you save: we ask for deep repentance from those who have chosen abuse and violence in their relationships. We ask that we as your church would deeply repent of words and actions that have not condemned abuse, but simply turned a blind eye. We ask for a deeper understanding and willingness to challenge our beliefs and attitudes that allow abuse to flourish. We ask that we might live up to our call to be light in the world, standing with you for justice. We ask that our churches would be places where women and men live and serve together in true dignity, equality and respect; where each one’s giftings are acknowledged and given space to flourish as your Spirit leads.
Lord we long for that day when there will be no more tears or crying or pain, when your glory will cover the earth, and our hope peace will be completed in you.
Come Lord Jesus, come.
Downloadable PDF prayer in large scale font
Prayer written by Lynda Dunstan for Domestic Violence Prevention Month, May 2024
Lynda Dunstan (BSocStuds, MSc, Grad Cert Domestic Violence Response) is currently Family and Domestic Violence Advisor for Anglicare Sydney and has worked for Anglicare for 15 years. She is passionate about supporting DFV survivors and believes Faith communities have an important role to play both in responding to DFV and changing community attitudes that underpin domestic abuse. To do this effectively, churches need to be equipped with sound knowledge of the dynamics of domestic abuse, how to prioritise the safety of survivors and children, and hold perpetrators accountable for their behaviour – while holding out the Gospel hope for change. Lynda is editor of Renew - An Australian Guide for Christian Women Survivors of domestic abuse (2022). She coordinated the project team that developed Before It Starts - a Youth primary prevention program (2020) and is also accredited as a Safe and Together Model of Practice trainer. She provides training in DFV response to a number of theological colleges and churches in the Sydney area. Lynda currently attends Northside Baptist Church in Crows Nest, Sydney.