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354 10:37 2024/04/27

There is a mother and breastfeeding baby on Nauru that are in danger and need urgent care. 

Due to alleged trauma that the mother has suffered in being transferred to Nauru Thursday week ago, she believed her breastmilk had dried up and stopped breastfeeding. But her baby is not receiving formula either, the baby refuses to drink it and the mother does not have what she needs to formula feed. Allegedly neither the mother and baby are receiving adequate care from the centre. Without the proper nourishment from breastmilk or even a formula, this baby is in serious danger of death due to malnutrition or infection. There is no health professional with expertise on infant feeding at the detention centre.

CALL Minister Dutton NOW - and let us know by adding your name on the right - (02) 6277 7860 

(If you would like some guidance about how to make an effective phone call scroll to the bottom of the page)

To add further danger to the problem the baby is not protected from mosquitoes which are constantly in the family's tent. Dengue fever is common in Nauru and is transmitted through mosquito bites.

This story has been reported by the Age, and also by Dr. Karleen Gribble who says she has spoken with the mother as of Sunday evening confirming that the mother is still experiencing this problem and is very understandably desperate for her child's wellbeing.

Please sign this petition to demand the government explain the situation affecting this family on Nauru, to ensure that this baby is fed, and to fly them back to Australia to ensure this child's safety and mother's wellbeing. 

You can find a link to the Age's article by clicking here and a link to Dr. Gribble's Facebook post by clicking here.  A Facebook group calling to save this baby is here.

CALL Minister Dutton NOW - and let us know by adding your name on the right - (02) 6277 7860


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Some tips for your phone call

It is unlikely that Minister Peter Dutton will take your phone call. However, speaking to someone from the Immigration office is still an effective action we can take for the mother and baby. Remember to be respectful and courteous, but you are also allowed to be firm.

Here are some of our tips. 

Some things you can say

  • Introduce yourself and say you would like to talk to someone relating to the Nauru detention facility.
  • Say you have heard reports that there is a mother who is unable to breastfeed her baby and it is not receiving formula either.
  • Highlight the danger of Dengue fever and the risk this poses to the child which is malnourished.
  • Express your belief that the child and mother should be flown to Australia for the baby to be protected and for the mother to have time to recover. 
  • Express your concerns that Australia may be in violation of international human rights conventions
  • Request they pass on your concerns and get back to you about the situation
  • When you're done thank them for their time

What they might say

It is possible the person taking your call will say something to the following effect:

"I cannot comment specifically but I can assure you that all people on Nauru are receiving adequate care and medical attention."

A suggested response is:

"I appreciate that, however, various reports have come out over the past year that give me good reason to challenge that. This report is the most recent example of the people put at risk by being kept at the Nauruan detention facility." 

They may repeat something similar to the above statement a few times, however you may still go ahead and express some of your other concerns about the matter. 

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The bond between and mother and baby is sacred, especially during the stage of breastfeeding. Demand the government protect this bond and the safety of this mother and child by flying them back to Australia to recover and to ensure their wellbeing.