This was a series of daily email devotionals for Advent 2023 crafted by a diverse group reflecting on the longing, hope, and beauty of God’s ‘Common Home’ being realised, revealed, and renewed through the birth of Jesus.

This special series featured both written and creative devotionals and prayers from a diverse group of contributors across the Common Grace movement including Dr Louise Gosbell, Rev Dr Andrew Errington, Teresa Brierley, Rev Mitch Forbes, Erin Kennedy, Rev Dr Melinda Cousins, Joanna Hayes, Rev Dr Megan Powell du Toit, Dr Byron Smith, Mish Graham, Joshua Lane, Rev Christine McPherson, Becca De Souza, Dr Isabel O’Keeffe, Meredith Walker-Harding, Jasmine Wrangles, Bianca Manning and Franz James, Gershon Nimbalker and more.

About this Advent series

Our 2023 Advent series focused on the longing, hope, and beauty of God’s ‘Common Home’ being realised, revealed, and renewed through the birth of Jesus.

In the beginning God made a home.
Not a house with four walls and a door -
a place of belonging and safety for all
for bodies with wings and tails,
or fins and scales,
or human skin
like you and I exist within
We could describe this space
as one that was marked with common grace.

From 'For our Common Home' video written by poet Will Small

God’s great plan of reconciliation, the restoration of relationships and renewal of all things (Mt 19:28) is heralded through the birth of Christ. It is the moment that brings into vision the hope we have of God’s saving and restoring grace through Jesus Christ, God with us, who humbled himself by entering into our humanity and pointed to the renewal of God's ‘Common Home’. A home where goodness and love and grace prevail; where justice and healing flows; where all people and creation flourish together, enjoying the goodness and relationship that God intends.

It’s in the season of Advent that we celebrate the coming of Jesus alongside our deep longing for this vision of goodness, beauty, justice and flourishing of God’s ‘Common Home’ to be worked out and revealed in our world today.


Explore this 2023 Advent series below.


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