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727 03:48 2024/09/13

#ChooseHumane this Federal Election

Sign the petition to send a message to politicians that we want policies for people seeking asylum that are compassionate and humane.

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As Christians, we call for the humane treatment of people seeking safety, because all humans are created in the image of God and are loved by God. We are called to love our neighbour. That's why, this election season, we are joining the movement to #ChooseHumane.

We are dispelling the idea that being cruel to refugees and people seeking asylum wins votes. We want to show the opposite. The public, and followers of Jesus, are demanding that parties and politicians promote intelligent, compassionate policies.

The foreigners residing among you must be treated as native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” - Leviticus 19:34

The movement to Choose Humane, co-ordinated by the Refugee Council of Australia, has gathered together people with lived experience, experts and campaigners to create a vision based across five broad policy areas. This is what we will work together to achieve:

  1. End offshore processing - offshore processing has caused significant harm to people seeking asylum over many years and is immensely costly; this policy needs to be permanently ended.
  2. Treat people seeking asylum fairly - a just and fair asylum process requires adequate access to legal services, social supports and independent review; these rights that have been denied to people seeking asylum.
  3. Reform of the immigration detention system - the current system is cruel and needs to be reformed; there is no time limit on detention resulting in prolonged and indefinite detention, and there is no legal prohibition on the detention of children.
  4. A larger and more responsive Refugee and Humanitarian Program - Australia should and can do more to contribute to durable solutions for the world’s refugees.
  5. Australia’s improved engagement in Asia - the interests of people and governments in the region are best served if nations work together to find the best answers for people seeking asylum.

When you sign this pledge, we will add your name to the Refugee Council of Australia’s Choose Humane campaign, adding your voice to a sector-wide call for a humane and compassionate response to people seeking safety. If you’d like to know more about the Choose Humane Platform for Change, you can find it here.

This election, Common Grace is aiming to provide ways for the Church and followers of Jesus to actively participate in this Federal election by embracing our motto: united for the common good, finding common ground, and sharing common grace.

May we continue to act with generosity, love and grace through this election campaign.


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