Thank you for registering for your Church Resource Toolkit for Season of Creation: “A home for all? Renewing the Oikos of God”.

As an independent Christian movement, we produce Church Toolkits so that local churches of all denominations can be equipped with theological, spiritual, and practical resources to guide them in their pursuit of Jesus and justice. To support Common Grace develop these resources please consider making a financial contribution on behalf of your church. 

Your donation helps the Movement to pursue the restoration and preservation of God’s beautiful Creation.

By making a small donation, you help Common Grace to continue producing resources that can equip your church for impacting and transforming your community. 

Donate today, right here on this secure page using your credit card details.  Or use our bank account details to donate directly with your bank:

Account Name: Christians for Justice Ltd

BSB: 633-000    

A/c: 152 835 336

Description: Your Church Name SoC


Ensure your name is written in the description field and email [email protected] to let us know that your gift is on its way.