Common Grace
Common Grace, a movement of Australian Christians passionate about Jesus and justice and seeking to act graciously and compassionately to the vulnerable and marginalised in our society.
Read moreCommon Grace, a movement of Australian Christians passionate about Jesus and justice and seeking to act graciously and compassionately to the vulnerable and marginalised in our society.
Read moreWe are excited to be a key partner in the Alliance for Gambling Reform, with Tim Costello leading the charge and nominating Common Grace as the vehicle he wishes to use to activate churches. Gambling Reform is an issue that Christians are passionate about and provide Christians with the opportunity to play a strong role in advocating for society’s most vulnerable.
In line with the coalition’s bigger, long-term strategy, we have done all we can to encourage Common Grace members to watch the shocking, recently-screened ABC documentary Ka-Ching, which exposed how poker machines are programed to target and addict our society’s most vulnerable. Ka-Ching was available for viewing on ABC’s iview for an extended period and many of our Common Grace members watched and engaged by sharing it via their own social media.
If we are able to secure adequate funds, we plan to build a network of Christian leaders and churches on the issue of gambling reform, thinking strategically about how to best unite Christian professionals who see the damaging effects poker machines have on the lives of Australians. It is our hope that, energised by teams of insightful Christian professionals such as psychologists, social workers and those who work with children, we will find a unique pathway of response as a Common Grace community. We are genuinely hopeful that we will be able to contribute significantly to the campaign, that gambling reform will become a reality in Australia and that we will see people freed from the devastation it brings.
Donate to our Gambling Reform work here.