Before you our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer,

We remember that we stand on holy ground

We acknowledge the stories of this land

We acknowledge the peoples of this land

We acknowledge the lore of this land

We acknowledge the languages of this land

We acknowledge that this land and her peoples 

are in need of healing

Give us compassion  

to hear and to feel the pain of lives torn apart

to hear and feel the pain of land that is damaged 

            and mistreated - sold to the highest bidder

Give us conviction

             to name where we benefit from the

             dispossession of First Peoples

             to see where injustice has taken hold

             and to not look away

Give us the courage 

to listen, to see, to feel, to name 

the pain, 

the loss, 

the theft and 

the resistance.

May we be inspired by truth-tellers, 

Justice-seekers and peace-makers in every age. 

Turn our inaction into action. 

We pray this in the name of Jesus the Christ


If you are using please acknowledge Rev Katherine Rainger as the author/writer.