Prayer Vigil for Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
Safe, Free, Flourishing
To honour the family of Cassius Turvey, and to create space for our collective grief, our Online Prayer Vigil for Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: Safe, Free, Flourishing will be postponed to Thursday 24th November.
Since 2018, the Common Grace movement has gathered annually to pray, lament, learn and act together to #StopAboriginalDeathsInCustody.
This is a powerful opportunity to humbly come before God in prayer together. We will learn from and deeply listen to Aboriginal Christian Leaders, engage in prayer and lament through words, song and art, and receive inspiration from the strength and determination of Aboriginal communities who take action for justice. #JusticeforWalker #JusticeforFella #BanSpitHoods
Aboriginal deaths in custody continues to be an ongoing injustice facing Aboriginal families and communities. Over 500 Aboriginal people have died in custody since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody released their report in 1991, with 339 recommendations. We grieve the lack of implementation of these recommendations by the Australian Government and the compounded grief that First Nations peoples continue to experience.
We are committed to partnering with God to see the flourishing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities:
- To see a society, and a justice system that pursues true justice - where all people are supported, valued and empowered.
- Where structural racism is a thing of the past.
- Where all people are given opportunities to flourish, rather than languishing in prison.
- And where children as young as 10 receive love and care rather than incarceration. Please join us in vision, prayer and action.
Sign up with your email to confirm your attendance at the Online Prayer Vigil for Aboriginal Deaths in Custody on Thursday 24th November. You will be sent the Zoom link closer to the date.
7:30 pm AEDT — ACT, Vic, NSW, Tas
7:00 pm ACDT — SA
6:30 pm AEST — Qld
6:00 pm ACST — NT
4:30 pm AWST — WA