God of Holy Dreaming, Great Creator God, Papa Jesus,
Today we pray together on common ground. Common ground of an ancient land that you created. Common ground of over 65,000 years of peoples and place.
ALL: Lord, we are longing for acknowledgement.
We acknowledge that your creation was disturbed and disrupted in 1788. We acknowledge our failure to break the Great Australian Silence. We acknowledge the true history of the land now called Australia.
ALL: Lord, we are longing for truth.
We grieve the truth of statistics that show we are not equal. Truth of death, sickness, imprisonment. Truth of lack of education and lack of employment. Truth of a gap that isn’t closed.
ALL: Lord, we are longing for justice.
We seek justice for Stolen Land, Stolen Wages, Stolen Children. We seek justice for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
ALL: Lord, we are longing for love.
Today we stand together on common ground. We come together in the love of Christ and the love of our neighbour. We confess we have not loved one another as you have called us to and promise to do better. We long to embrace unity with diversity. We are longing for acknowledgement, truth, justice, love, and hope.
ALL: Lord, give us
comfort for the pain, in our day of mourning,
courage for the fight, in our day of invasion,
strength for the journey, in our day of survival.
Lord, You, are our hope. Amen.