St George's Anglican, Paddington

When I think of Common Grace, I am excited, energised, and inspired. To see how far this movement has progressed in just six months is a real testament to not just the people behind it, but the way in which the Spirit is moving to unite the Australian Church to speak with one prophetic voice. I truly believe we witness a glimmer of the kingdom "on earth as it is in heaven" when Christians unite together to speak up for justice. It can often be overwhelming as we behold the many injustices which exist in our nation today: from the plight of those seeking asylum on our shores, to the degradation of God's good creation, to the continuing oppression of our First Nations brothers and sisters. But I am filled with hope as I see the space that Common Grace is creating: a space of beauty, generosity, and justice. A space where we can celebrate together, lament together, and work together to see "justice roll down like waters". My hope and prayer is that God will continue to build this movement, and that we may - together as one Body - speak and act in a way which reflects the grace, beauty, compassion, and love of our crucified and risen Lord.
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