Bidding is now closed. 

Thank you to all who have donated to amplify the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders.  


Watch the story behind Safina's Painting

Video transcript is available here. 

Safina and Common Grace truly believe that in order to amplify the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christians we need as many leaders and emerging leaders as possible to gather with us at the conference.

"'Let Justice Flow' will be a huge table feast, an exuberant and generous uprising. There is a multiplying, exponential and accelerated potential when we gather and esteem each other in our work of faith and justice.  I would love to see as many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders be supported to come as possible." - Safina Stewart 

You can ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices are heard directly in meetings with our nation’s leaders this November at our 'Let Justice Flow' Conference.


Bidding is now closed.

Safina's Painting has successfully sold to the highest bidder.

Thank you for your support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders.

For all enquiries, please email Naomi Fraser at [email protected]

Safina and Common Grace truly believe that in order to amplify the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christians we need as many leaders and emerging leaders as possible to gather with us at the conference.

"'Let Justice Flow' will be a huge table feast, an exuberant and generous uprising. There is a multiplying, exponential and accelerated potential when we gather and esteem each other in our work of faith and justice.  I would love to see as many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders be supported to come as possible." - Safina Stewart 

You can ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices are heard directly in meetings with our nation’s leaders this November at our 'Let Justice Flow' Conference.


Safina Stewart’s large-scale artwork is a reflection of our longing to see justice flow across these lands (Amos 5:24): life-giving, thirst quenching justice that brings hope, healing, nourishment and flourishing for all.

As well as receiving an original artwork by Safina Stewart, your winning bid will:

  • Allow Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders and emerging leaders to attend Common Grace’s ‘Let Justice Flow’ Conference. 
  • Empower these leaders to amplify their voices, enrich discussions and drive action for a more equitable and sustainable future
  • Ensure diverse voices and invaluable Indigenous knowledges shape Common Grace's advocacy 

This is a high value opportunity for an individual, church or Christian organisation to own an original artwork by Safina Stewart. Bids open Monday 14 October, with a starting bid of $8,000. 

Watch Safina's Artwork Come to Life


Register Your Interest for further information here


 Optional Donations

Are you unable to take up this opportunity to bid but are keen to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christians Leaders to attend and participate in Common Grace’s ‘Let Justice Flow’ Conference? A donation of any amount helps. 


About the Silent Auction

Starting Bid $8,000 AUD

Your impact

A bid of $8,000 provides for two Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders to attend the ‘Let Justice Flow’ conference. 

A bid of
$16,000 provides for six Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders and emerging leaders to attend the ‘Let Justice Flow’ conference. Covering the cost of their flights, accommodation, food and more. 


Artwork Details

This will be an original work painted on high quality canvas, approximately 1 x 1.5m, in acrylic paint. 

Designs and artwork remain the copyright of the artist.

The artist retains the Intellectual Property of the artwork and retains the right to reproduce the image of the artwork at her discretion. Reproduction of the image or part thereof is not permitted without expressed written permission from the artist in a separate licensing agreement.

About the Artist

Safina Stewart is a proud Wuthathi and Mabuiag Island woman and artist who has contributed to community, corporate and private art projects across Australia since 2007. In 2022, Safina was invited to be artist in residence for the UNDRR Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, with her artwork ‘Caring’ featured as the 2022 Conference graphic. Safina’s vibrant and deeply evoking works can also be found on public display in churches, hospitals, theological colleges, schools and office spaces across the country. Her artwork is beautiful and widely appealing, drawing from her rich Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage to create stunning and meaningful artworks. Safina also shapes, leads and richly contributes to the work of Common Grace as our Storytelling and Relationships Coordinator. 

Find out more about Safina Stewart’s beautiful art at her website and instagram.


About Common Grace

Common Grace is a movement of individuals, churches and communities pursuing Jesus and justice together for the flourishing of all people and all creation.

We believe our advocacy is part of a God given prophetic vocation to collectively call for justice and the transformation of policies, systems, and norms that harm people and all of God’s beautiful creation.


About the Conference

The Common Grace conference, ‘Let Justice Flow’, is a unique gathering of Christians coming together from across the breadth of the church in Australia to delve into crucial matters concerning First Nations and climate justice. From 16-18 November we will be meeting together on Ngunnawal & Ngambri Country, Canberra, to deeply listen to the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leaders as we are equipped to advocate for tangible actions to see justice flow across Australia and beyond.

This Conference also provides an important opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leaders, and emerging leaders, to meet and speak directly with our nation’s leaders in the lead up to the 2025 Federal Election on issues of First Nations justice. 


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a bid? 

You can submit your bid on this artwork to Naomi Fraser, Common Grace’s Supporter Engagement Coordinator, at [email protected] with the subject line ‘Silent Auction Bid: Safina Stewart Original Artwork’. Bids can be placed from 14 October, 2024  with bidding closed at 5pm 25th October, 2024.

Your bid will only be known by the Common Grace staff and will not be shared publicly.


How will I receive the artwork if I win the auction?

Common Grace will organise the delivery of this artwork via private courier. $500 of the starting bid is set aside to cover delivery costs (excluding framing). Depending on the delivery location, canvas stretching may also be coordinated in this delivery process. Delivery costs exceeding $500 will be incurred at the expense of the receiver. 


Why is the starting bid $8,000?

Original artwork by Safina Stewart is a high value item, Safina is gifting her artwork to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leaders attend the ‘Let Justice Flow’ conference. This reserve will cover artwork expenses, delivery and stretching, and provide for two Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leaders to attend the ‘Let Justice Flow’ conference.


How will I know if I’m the winning bidder

Common Grace will notify the winner by 6pm on 25th October, 2024, with all bidding parties notified of the result via email. 


Why are you raising funds for a conference?

The ticket price alone does not cover the entire costs of the conference, so we are relying on the generosity of the Common Grace movement to help make this event a reality. Funds raised through this silent auction will provide substantial support to ensure more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leaders have the opportunity to attend our ‘Let Justice Flow’ Conference.



Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity. If you have any questions about our Silent Auction please get in touch with Naomi Fraser, Common Grace’s Supporter Engagement Coordinator, at [email protected]