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Gambling Reform is desperately needed. Next week a new documentary comes out about the pokies in Australia.
Read moreGambling Reform is desperately needed. Next week a new documentary comes out about the pokies in Australia.
Thank you for joining the campaign for gambling reform!
We will be in touch about how your church can get involved, but...
The first thing to do is to watch the documentary, Ka-Ching! now available on ABC's iview and invite your congregation to watch too. You might want to share on social media about the documentary by sharing our latest blog post on the topic. You can see the film's trailer below.
Our hope is that by watching the documentary we all get on the same page and are then able to take the next steps together. We will be in touch about the next steps of the campaign after Tuesday.
Together we will join over 40 council, church and community groups calling for pokie reform. You can find out more about the Alliance on Gambling Reform here.
This campaign also needs financial backing if this effort is to succeed. We are collecting funds for this campaign through Common Grace. Funds can be deposited direct to BSB: 633-000, A/c: 152 835 336 or by credit card here. Could your church offer financial support to see the churches speaking out for the sake of the vulnerable?
Thank you for your enthusiasm. Please pray for the church to be at the forefront of these types of social issues, as representatives of the grace and freedom found in the Lord Jesus Christ, advocating for the sake of those trapped in addiction and the communities that bear the terrible costs.