Thank you for joining us to celebrate #ShowYourStripes Day 2022 and calling together for urgent, ambitious climate action!

In 2021 we joined together to call on our nation's leaders to take a big step up in committing to urgent action to address climate change. This year, we called together for big steps forward.  

We are thankful to see the renewed and strong focus on climate action with the election of the 47th Parliament of Australia, and hopeful in the action our nation’s leaders are already taking. But we know Australia needs to take many more big steps forward in responding to the scale and urgency in which we need to act on climate change.

We pray our nation’s leaders will work together to accelerate urgent action on climate change and continue to show their strong commitment to action as seen through #ShowYourStripes Day.

We continue to call together for urgent and ambitious climate action and look forward to meeting with our newly elected federal Parliamentarians over the coming months to gift them a Common Grace #KnitForClimateAction scarf.

We pray that as our nation's leaders #WearTheScarf they would be:

🔵 Reminded of the urgent need to address climate change,
🟡 Encouraged to listen to and be led by those most impacted by our warming world, Aboriginal peoples, Torres Strait Islander peoples, and our neighbours - peoples of the Pacific Island nations,
🟠 Inspired to pursue a safer, more just and more sustainable future for all,
🧣And that the scarf may spark deeper conversations about our warming world and the need for urgent action


Find out more about #KnitForClimate Action and this wonderful, creative movement for change - see how we gathered together to celebrate #ShowYourStripes Day 21 June 2022.

In 2021 Common Grace gathered on Ngunnawal and Ngambri country, Canberra, at the lawns of Parliament House to bring the gracious and powerful message of the need for urgent climate action to the heart of our nation’s capital through our Knit for Climate Action. Read more about how we celebrated #ShowYourStripes Day in 2021 here

Would you like to knit a scarf or join Common Grace as we meet with our nations leaders to gift our Knit for Climate Action scarves? Please fill in this Google Form to let us know and join us in calling for our nations leaders to work together towards ambitious, urgent climate action. 


📸 Photo Credits

Top Feature, L-R: Josh Burns MP, Allegra Spender MP, Senator David Pocock meeting with Jane Kelly, Gill King, Vikki McDonough and Jillian Farrer.

Middle, L-R: Janelle Sewell @DoctorsForTheEnvironment, Common Grace Creation and Climate Justice Coordinator Jane Kelly, Natalie Issacs @OneMillionWomen and Gill King. Zali Steggall MP. Senator David Pocock speaking at the CANA Conference 21 June. Kristy McBain MP. Fiona Phillips MP. Rev Dr Michael Jensen. Senator Janet RiceGlobal Mission Partners Executive Officer John Gilmore.