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10 12:36 2025/02/16

Call the Immigration Minister

(02) 6277 7860
Immigration Minister's office

What to say when you're on the call:

  • Introduce yourself, explain that you're calling as part of a Common Grace campaign to Save Saeed, an Iraqi man at Villawood Detention Centre who is facing deportation.
  • Express your concern for Saeed's safety - use your own words to express your values and reasons.
  • Ask the staff member to let Mr Dutton know that you would like him to intervene in Saeed's case and stop his deportation.
  • Thank them for their time and wish them a good day.

Then when you're done, register your call below.

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An Iraqi man who is being held at Villawood Detention Centre is facing imminent deportation back to Iraq, with his original application seeking asylum in Australia denied, and his appeal dismissed on the technicality of being filed too late.

The man has been on a hunger strike and has diminished health as a result.

He is known as “Saeed” (not his real name).

We have grave concerns that Saeed faces danger upon his return to Iraq, and that he has not had the access to justice in Australia that we consider fair.

The ONLY chance we have of saving Saeed from deportation is if our politicians believe that the Australian people want it. That's why we're asking you to contact Immigration Minister Peter Dutton who has the final say whether Saeed's application will be reviewed, or if he'll be deported.

We know that a personal phone call always ‘ranks higher’ with our govt leaders in terms of showing how important an issue is to voters. And fair enough, too, right? It does cost us all a little bit more time and effort to make a call – we get it! That said, if you'd prefer to email you can do that here.

Want to know a bit more before you call? Catch up on the details of Saeed's case here.