Initial Email
Subject: Invitation to Address a Public Meeting
Dear team <<Candidates Name>>,
We are hoping that <<Candidate>> might be available to address a public pre-election meeting that we are hosting at <<Venue>> on <<Date and Time>>?
We have invited all of the candidates in <<Electorate>> to participate in an open forum, where each is the chance to speak and respond to questions from the floor.
The tone of the meeting is designed to be positive where candidates present their policy platforms and views, and criticism of other candidates is respectful and focused on policy.
We will invite members of the <<Host Church>> Community and other churches in the area to attend.
Kind regards,
Follow Up Email
Subject: RE: Invitation to Address a Public Meeting
Hi <<Candidate>>
Thanks so much for your email, we look forward to your participation in the event.
The format is being finalised. I spoke to <<MC>> who will host and MC the event, and s/he suggested:
A brief presentation of your party and yourself as a candidate – 4 minutes each, with two bells at 5 minutes
Questions to each from the MC
Half an hour of questions from the floor
A brief pitch from each candidate to finish (1 minute)
Please can I have the best contact details for you and your campaign manage, just in case. My mobile number is XXXXX.
Warm regards,