Many Australians are disillusioned with the state of our nation and politicians. The recent budget did not provide much inspiration except for yet another appeal to self-interest and the back pocket. And still, our hearts continue to break for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters, for our asylum-seeker friends looking for welcome on our shores, for those suffering and surviving domestic and family violence, and for God's creation, as we weep with the lands and waters at the effects of climate change. We want a nation, parliament, and policies, that seek the good of others, and move us toward a broader vision for justice - one that cares for the poor, the struggling, and the marginalised, in our nation.
Friend, you are part of the movement that is Common Grace, and we want the Church and followers of Jesus to actively participate in this Federal election by embracing our motto: united for the common good, finding common ground, and sharing common grace.
This election, we want Christians to participate in the conversation.
That's why we are providing several ways for you to engage:
1. Church billboard - Does your church have a billboard where you could promote Jesus & Justice in the lead up to the Federal Election? We’ve come up with creative, non-partisan, church billboards. Don’t have a billboard? There will also be a printable pdf poster - sign up here
2. Ask your candidates questions - Do you know your candidates beyond their party lines? Do you know your Independents? Each of our justice teams have prepared their top five questions to ask your local candidates and evaluate their policy positions. Read up about our campaigns and send your candidates an email asking these key questions.
3. Host a candidate forum - Want an opportunity to engage your church and the wider Christian community to ask questions of all candidates? We've provided some tips on how to host a candidate forum.
4. Have conversations - Each week we will provide engaging election material that you can read, share and use to stimulate conversations about the issues, so stay tuned for more Election 2019 resources.