Example Run Sheet - modify for your circumstances

<suburb name>, Meet Your Candidates



Candidates Attending (In the Order they Appear on the Ballot)

<candidate names>

Running Sheet

16.45 - 17.10 <artist name> (Music – Local Performer)

17.10 - 17.15 Acknowledgement of Country (<who?>)

17:15 - 17.45 Candidates Presentations (5 x 4 minutes, one bell at 4 minutes two bells at 5 minutes. Please don’t go beyond that)

17.45 - 18.10 Candidates Q + A with <who?>

18.10 - 18:20 <artist name> (Music – Local Performer)

Audience submit questions to the candidates on paper *

18.20 - 18.50 Written Questions from Audience – Moderated by <who>

18.50 - 19.00 Final pitch from candidates (5 x 1 mins)

Coffee / Tea / Supper – people are welcome to stay and chat, and I’m sure there will be interest in speaking to any of you who are able to stay for a little while

* The candidates decided before the meeting to take questions from the floor