I Am the True Vine - A Lent Teaching Series
What is the fruit that our ministry bears? Jesus, the True Vine, teaches what it means to be his hands and feet. Aunty Dr Anne Pattel-Gray wraps up our 2020 Lent series.
Calling us by name, leading the way: Dave Andrews examines Jesus statement, “I am the Good Shepherd”.
View and download a PDF of this Lent Teaching here.
In today’s video teaching, Dave Andrews reflects on Jesus’ words, “I am the good shepherd”. In Jesus’ local context, leaders were often referred to as shepherds. Shepherds walked in front of their flock, showing the way to walk, calling the sheep by name.
When Jesus declared himself as the good shepherd, he was speaking to people who were hurt and angry at their leaders. They felt as though they weren’t cared for, weren’t valued, weren’t seen. Jesus comes with an opposite message. Jesus’ leadership cares deeply for people. He knows them each by name and never expects them to walk a path that he has not walked before them. Jesus’ is our model of what true, godly leadership is: it springs from love and sees those whom it is easier to ignore. Jesus values people and is on the front line always.
If you think this reflection would encourage someone else, please share:
Wed 18 Mar |
John 10:11-18 |
How does Jesus describe the Good Shepherd? |
Thur 19 Mar |
John 10:19-30 |
What is the relationship like between the sheep and the Shepherd? |
Fri 20 Mar |
Isaiah 40:1-11 |
What is the Prophet’s vision of the good news to come? |
Sat 21 Mar |
Ezekiel 34 |
How does God critique the Shepherds of the people? How does he propose to care for the people? |
Sun 22 Mar |
John 10:11, 14-15 |
Sit with these texts, mulling them over slowly today |
Mon 23 Mar |
Hebrews 13:20-21 |
How is Jesus described? |
Tue 24 Mar |
1 Peter 5:1-6 |
How does Peter pick up themes of sheep and shepherds? |
Jesus, our Good Shepherd. You walk ahead of us in the journey of our lives. You call us by name and know us intimately. Thank you for seeing us, thank you for knowing us and calling us to follow you. May we know your love deeply and reflect it to those around us. Please be close to us when we feel alone on the path. Help us to encourage others as we journey together in this adventure of following you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dave Andrews is an author and organiser who has worked with dispossessed and marginalised peoples in India and Australia. He teaches courses on community development in Australia at the Bible College of Queensland, the Queensland College of Theology and Australian College of Ministries, and in many countries including Cambodia, India, and Afghanistan as a consultant with Tear Australia, a Christian Aid Agency.
What is the fruit that our ministry bears? Jesus, the True Vine, teaches what it means to be his hands and feet. Aunty Dr Anne Pattel-Gray wraps up our 2020 Lent series.
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Not just avoiding death: life in abundance! Today Josh Dowton reflects on Jesus statement, ‘I am the resurrection”.
Calling us by name, leading the way: Dave Andrews examines Jesus statement, “I am the Good Shepherd”.