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Acknowledge the true history of these lands now called Australia. Your donation helps empower Aboriginal Christian Leaders to lead our nation and followers of Jesus to listen deeply, advocate for truth-telling, and change the heart of Australia.

Everyday the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are pierced by injustices. You can help pursue a world where we are led by our Aboriginal Christian Leaders to see friendship and Reconciliation in our lifetime. 

Thank you for responding to Aunty Jean Phillip’s call to prayer in the lead up to January 26 by being part of #ChangeTheHeart.  On Monday 25th January each year Aboriginal peoples and non-Indigenous peoples came together, for truth-telling, lament and prayer. 

By donating to #ChangeTheHeart you help acknowledge and lament the true history of these lands now called Australia. 

Ways your donation can help:  

  • $50 to help cover the costs for #ChangeTheHeart
  • $100 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian led initiatives and resources to be created and distributed. 
  • $75 can help mobilise Christians to advocate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice. 
  • $1,500 to help employ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christians Leaders

Common Grace, being led by Aboriginal Christian Leaders, is pursuing justice to Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Close the Gap, and Raise the Age of Incarceration, and pursuing National Truth-Telling and Treaty. By tuning in for #ChangeTheHeart and making a donation today, you are helping pursue a world where we see friendship and Reconciliation in our lifetime. 


To find out more about how you can be part of pursuing friendship and Reconciliation visit our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice pages: https://www.commongrace.org.au/aboriginal_and_torres_strait_islander_justice 

If you are interested in giving regularly to the work of Common Grace please visit this page to set up your monthly giving: https://www.commongrace.org.au/donate