State Police & Corrections Minister Letter

We encourage you this National Reconciliation Week to use this template letter to send/email the Minister for Corrections and Minister for Police in your state, encouraging them to take action to stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. 


To the Honourable <MP Full Name>,

My name is <Your Name>, and I live in <Suburb> — part of your electorate of <Electorate> OR <Suburb, State/Territory>. It is currently National Reconciliation Week across Australia, and as one of 40,000+ Australian Christians that are part of the Common Grace movement, I am writing to you today to voice my concern about the abhorrent treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia.

As Christians, we believe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are, and always have been created in the image of the Creator. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have an ancient and important God-appointed role as custodians in these lands now called Australia. For too long this nation of Australia has not listened to, and not sought justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We are tired of waiting for a Treaty and treaties over 250 years overdue, we grieve at the lives lost due to lack of action and investment to Close the Gap, implement recommendations to stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, and we fight for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to be embraced as the world’s oldest living continuing cultures.

As the State Minister for <Police/Corrections>, <Mr/Ms MP Last Name>, you must know about the overrepresentation of Aboriginal women, men, and children in detention facilities, and the ongoing issue of police violence and deaths in custody. These are issues that are of vital importance to the very lives of your Aboriginal constituents, and non-Aboriginal constituents such as myself are concerned. I am writing to you today to ask what you will be doing to help stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody in <your State/Territory>.

<MP Full Name>, we have been waiting as a nation since 1991 for the 339 recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody to be implemented. This requires cooperation between Federal, State and Territory governments. How will you actively work towards implementing the long standing recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody so that Aboriginal peoples stop dying in custody?

As a non-Aboriginal Australian Christian, and a resident of <State/Territory>, your action on these asks is vital for this state and nation groaning with injustice against First Nations peoples. Your action on these asks, <MP Full Name>, will save lives and help bring justice that is long overdue.

Yours faithfully,

<Your Full Name>