Common Grace Members Survey

Will you take five minutes now to complete this anonymous survey?

Common Grace Members Survey

Thank you for your warm and generous welcome to me as CEO of Common Grace. I’m excited about this new season ahead, both for me and for Common Grace. 

We'd love to hear from you. Can you help us shape the next steps for our movement by sharing your thoughts?

In these last weeks, I’ve begun to dream about how we live out our love for Jesus and justice in these lands now called Australia. The team and I have been talking about more gatherings in real life, more local community networks, more resources for local churches to use. I’m dreaming of Common Grace doing more active mobilisation, of engaging in anti-poverty justice campaigning and of being a louder Christian voice in the public square. I long to hear the voice of Jesus echo across our nation in acts of faith, hope and love.

More than ever we need to come together. Together we feel less tired and less alone.   “Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other”. Over 46,000 are better than one! When we have unity in diversity we see God’s beautiful tapestry. God is good to all - we get to join in! 

Since Common Grace is not just me, but all of us, I would love to hear from you!

So that’s why today I’m asking you to give me your thoughts on where Common Grace can go into the future.  Will you take five minutes now to complete this anonymous survey? 

Your answers are critically needed to help shape Common Grace’s vision for our movement and strategy for the year ahead. In order to have the biggest impact, our community needs to decide what we’ll prioritise. 

As we together discern God’s vision for the future, we are eager to include you in our thinking and planning to make sure that what we do resonates strongly with you and where you see God already at work in our movement. Please pray for this process.

We look forward to seeking justice and loving mercy alongside you in 2020.


