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Take the Pledge

I want to be part of an Australia where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and families are safer and stronger. I want to change the record.

We need to:

  • ​Close the gap in rates of imprisonment by 2040; and
  • Cut the disproportionate rates of violence to at least close the gap by 2040 with priority strategies for women and children,​​

​​I call on all levels of government to:

  • Invest in early intervention, prevention and diversion strategies, which address the root causes of violence and imprisonment; and
  • Work in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities, services and their representatives, to develop and implement solutions.
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For the last six months Common Grace has been listening to and learning from our Aboriginal Christian leaders, as they call us forward into Reconciliation and address some of the key injustices facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Brooke Prentis, Common Grace’s Aboriginal spokesperson, has shared with us many times the need for Australia to address the overrepresentation of in our prison system and the alarming rates of deaths in custody, and to implement the 339 Recommendations from the Royal Commission into Deaths in Custody.

That’s why Common Grace are joining with Change the Record in calling on our government to address the root causes of violence and imprisonment, through partnership and consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities, services and their representatives.

The first step we can each make is to Take the Pledge to be part of the solution.

As we together commit our attention, our concern, our time and our hearts to the issue, and we listen to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leaders as they guide us on how best we respond, we will speak a compassionate, gracious and active voice for justice towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

As Christians who love a reconciling God, may we also be a community marked by our own Reconciliation actions and stand with those who are disadvantaged, mistreated, overlooked and oppressed by systems that lead to unfairness and injustice.


Common Grace is proud to support Change the Record, a coalition of leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, human rights, legal and community organisations calling for urgent and coordinated national action to close the gap in imprisonment rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cut disproportionate rates of violence experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly women and children.