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215 08:33 2025/01/22

Send an email to Mr Shorten.

A fast transition to renewable energy is critical to address our rapidly changing climate, but right now, our elected leaders are attempting to cut one billion dollars from Australia’s Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

As Christians, this is deeply concerning because we are already seeing our most vulnerable neighbours harmed by the extreme weather we are experiencing as a result of unsustainable energy.

Within eight hours, the Labor leadership will meet to discuss whether or not to support the cut. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is already under pressure to reject the bill from Australians and civil society groups, if we can demonstrate a Christian voice for clean energy, it might just be enough to convince Mr Shorten to #SaveARENA

As our poorest neighbours are harmed by more intense and frequent droughts and floods, Christians around the world are taking action for a brighter future. Recently, 3,500 UK churches switched to renewable energy, or have committed to do so, as an act of love for our neighbours most affected by a changing climate. Last week, churches from New Zealand, Pacific Islands, and Australia joined together to pray for our Pacific Islander neighbours impacted by rising seas and worsening storm surges.

Australia’s Renewable Energy Agency is innovative, creates jobs, and is vital for a fast transition to clean energy. Let's make sure Mr Shorten walks into that meeting knowing Christians care about clean energy.

Together, we can be a voice for justice, as God leads us to stand with people most affected by climate change, and call for a fast transition to clean energy.