Season of Creation 2020 Podcast

A candid conversation with Common Grace CEO Brooke Prentis and Christian environmental ethicist Dr. Byron Smith whose stories, anecdotes, and intriguing questions will empower you to deepen your commitment to the preservation and restoration of God's Earth.


This is recorded conversation with Common Grace CEO Brooke Prentis and Christian environmental ethicist Dr. Byron Smith whose stories, anecdotes, and intriguing questions will empower you to deepen your commitment to the preservation and restoration of God's Earth. It was facilitated by Common Grace’s Comms & Creative Director, Brigitta Ryan and is titled 2020, the Year of Disruption: COVID-19, Black Lives Matter and the Climate Crisis.

Each year, Christians around the world commit the month of September to the 'Season of Creation', and focus their attention on God's Earth. 

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Jubilee for the Earth