Loving God,
You care for your creatures large and small.
Their songs - and cries - resound across the Earth.
May they be no longer silenced or ignored,
As we too seek to attend to their voices.
When we are distracted,
Delight us with the diversity of your kindom.
God of the least,
You are found among the oppressed, the dispossessed and the destitute.
We long for the flourishing of all.
Open the hearts of those who side with the wealthy to abide with the poor,
Just as we commit to join those who cry for justice.
If we hang on to our privilege,
Provoke us with the vision of your kindom.
Living God,
You breathe new life amidst death and decay.
We look for your resurrection in this world.
As Earth's support systems unravel,
We pray for urgent action across the globe,
And redouble our efforts for Earth and her creatures.
Through despondency and distress,
Sustain us in the joy of your kindom.
In the name of Christ.