We encourage you to include creation and climate justice issues within your prayer times individually, in small groups, and within your church community. Below are some guiding prayers created in response to various climate vigils, events, actions, and emergencies:

Prayers for Creation and Climate Justice


Prayer for the Animals by Gemma and Jade Bell 

Climate Strike Prayer, by Arieta Fergie

Prayer for Healing Country, by Aunty Dr Doseena Fergie

A Prayer for World Environment Day, 5 June,by Aboriginal Christian Leader, Adam Gowen

Prayer for Season of Creation, by Sandy Green

Prayer for Torres Strait Islands Climate Justice, by Uncle Ben Harry and Larissa Minniecon

Jubilee for the Earth by Monique Hughes

The (ecological) Lord's Prayer, by Jane Irwin. This prayer is also available as a video recording

Earth Overshoot Day prayer, 22 March, by Jessica Morthorpe

Prayer for COP (the UN Conference of the Parties), by Thea Ormerod

Prayer for Season of Creation, by Dr Miriam Pepper

A Prayer for COP (the UN Conference of the Parties), by Dr Mick Pope

#ShowYourStripes Day Prayer by Dr Mick Pope

A Prayer of lament and praise for Season of Creation by Dr Mick Pope

A prayer for the protection and care of our shared home by Michael Ramaidama

Call to Worship - by Michael Ramaidama, This prayer is also available as PDF and video recording in English and Fijian

Prayer for Season of Creation, September 2023, by Aboriginal Christian Leader and Elder Uncle Vince Ross

Prayer for Voices to be Heard, Charlene Delos Santos

A prayer for eco grief and climate anxiety, by Abbey Sim

Prayer to Listen to the Voice of Creation, by Dr Byron Smith

Prayer of Confession for our Common Home, by Dr Byron Smith

Prayer in Response to Floods, by Dr Byron Smith

Prayer in Response to Bushfires by Dr Byron Smith

Prayer from Pacific Islands voices by Charissa Suli and family

Hope for Creation prayer by Ben Thurley

Prayer for the Pacific, by Lote Tomane

A Prayer for Communities Impacted by Floods by Luke Vassella

Prayer for Common Grace and Creation and Climate Justiceby Ellaina Welsman


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