Key Event Resources

Season of Creation

Every year, Christians around the world, from across denominations, commit the month of September as a season to celebrate God’s beautiful Earth, and renew our shared commitment to preserving and restoring that beauty. For the liturgical amongst us, this is called the Season of Creation. Common Grace produces resources for churches and faith communities to use to help engage and participate in Season of Creation. Explore our past resources below. 

2022: Listen to the Voice of Creation

2021: A Home for All? Renewing the Oikos of God

2020: Jubilee for the Earth

2019: Rallying for God’s Beautiful Earth

2018: God’s Beautiful Earth


Climate Pastoral Care Conference

Since 2019, Uniting Earth, along with partners including Common Grace, have organised the Climate Pastoral Care Conference. This annual event brings together leading psychologists, climate scientists, pastoral care experts, communicators and a range of experts working in this field to help train and equip Christians to address increasing levels of climate anxiety in our communities.

Full recordings from the online 2020 Climate Pastoral Care conference are available to view here.

Recommended presentations: Byron Smith: Deadly Growth: Cancer, COVID-19 and Climate and Brooke Prentis: 250 years of advocacy for Creation and Climate Justice


In Nov 2021, Common Grace held a Digital Seminar, 'Acknowledging our Emotions in Pursuing a Safe Climate'. A list of recommended resources was shared by Jessica Morthorpe. Explore these book, pdf and helpful organisation recommendations here.  


Earth Overshoot Day

Earth Overshoot Day is the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what the Earth can regenerate in that year. Australia’s Overshoot Day in 2021 is March 22nd, the date on which Earth Overshoot Day would fall if all of humanity consumed like Australia's population does. If everyone lived like Australia we would need 4.5 planets.

Prayer Vigil, March 2021 

Earth Overshoot Day 2020


Earth Hour

In 2020 we marked Earth Hour by unplugging for a bit, sitting under the stars, and taking a moment to reflect and disconnect in the time of COVID-19.

2015: A God of All Seasons


If there are specific resources you would like us to provide, please email us at [email protected].