Earth Overshoot Day, is the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what the Earth can regenerate in that year.
Australia’s Overshoot Day is March 22nd, the date on which Earth Overshoot Day would fall if all of humanity consumed like Australia's population does. If everyone lived like Australia we would need 4.5 planets.
Australia consumes beyond the capacity of the Earth, our home, to sustain us. We lament the past injustices that led to this including where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have not been listened to, we cry out against the current patterns that perpetuate this consumption and we pray that change is possible.
We gather together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders and other Christians of diverse ages, cultures, and backgrounds to pray - to ask God to guide us with wisdom, give us courage to act and help us follow Jesus’ call to love all our neighbours.
Register to participate in the online event at 8pm AEDT on March 22nd here and receive the zoom link via email.
Read more about Earth Overshoot Day