Hearing & Responding to the Margins

Hearing & Responding to the Margins

Graham Hill, Vice Principal of Morling College, gives 7 Practices for Hearing & Responding to the Margins (Especially During These Elections)

Graham Hill, Vice Principal of Morling College, gives 7 Practices for Hearing & Responding to the Margins (Especially During These Elections)

We relinquish power when we say “no” to opportunities, so that other voices can be heard. We relinquish power when we say “yes” to justice and action, so that other voices can be honored.

3. Restore

Restoring justice also involves listening to the concerns and perspectives of others, even when these seem to address issues that don’t directly affect us. And it involves standing up for the rights and wellbeing of others—even if their wellbeing or prosperity or flourishing seems only indirectly related to ours, and even when their wellbeing comes at our expense.
