What is happening in Aleppo?
In the past week we have all been shocked by devastating images and messages coming out of Aleppo showing Syrians who are trapped in areas increasingly dominated by hostile government forces. You can find out more about Aleppo and how the conflict developed here, and stay updated on current international attempts to negotiate a ceasefire and evacuation, here.
What can you do?
We are encouraging Christians to do 3 things:
1. Learn - Become aware of what is taking place and help others learn too.
2. Pray - Let us all pray unceasingly for the safety of those at risk and for God's grace and peace to be known in Syria by those in fear.
3. Give - There are many wonderful organisations that do practical work on the ground in the region and one of the most helpful things we can do is support their work financially. For those who are unsure which organisation to give to, we suggest donating to World Vision Australia's Syria Crisis Appeal as they seek to respond with God's grace and compassion through their life-changing development and disaster relief work.
Make a donation