This year Reconciliation Week (May 27 - Jun 3) coincides with three significant anniversaries:

  1. The 20th anniversary of the historic “Bringing Them Home” report into the Stolen Generation, commemorated on National Sorry Day (May 26).
  2. The 50th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum, when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were finally counted as Australian citizens (May 27).
  3. The 25th anniversary of the famous ‘Mabo’ case in the High Court, which overturned the myth of “terra nullius” and declared Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to be the Traditional Owners of the land (Jun 3).

These dates commemorate monumental moments in our nation’s history, and mark our ongoing journey towards reconciliation. But many of us may not be familiar with what they represent and their meaning to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We hope the following church resources help your congregations begin, or continue, their journey towards reconciliation as we listen and learn together over through Reconciliation Week.

PowerPoint Presentation & Service Outline


Our Aboriginal spokesperson Brooke Prentis, has produced a series of Powerpoint slides to help guide churches towards Reconciliation in their services. Please feel free to adapt these slides to the time available within your own services.

Download the PowerPoint Slides

Include an 'Acknowledgement of Country'

For churches who have just started exploring Reconciliation, introducing an 'acknowledgement of country' into your services can be a great way to start that journey with your congregation.

We encourage you to personalise your own acknowledgement of country, in a manner that is approachable to your church, though our Aboriginal spokesperson Brooke Prentis has provided an acknowledgement of country you can use at the start, or during, your services:

"We would like to acknowledge, the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we gather, acknowledge, lament and pray today. They are stewards on behalf of THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR. We would also like to pay our respects to the Elders past, present and future."


Prayer for the Journey of Healing

This prayer comes from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission:

Almighty and loving God, you, who created ALL people in your image, lead us to seek your compassion as we listen to the stories of our past.

ALL: Lord hear our prayer.

You gave your only Son, Jesus, who died and rose again so that sins will be forgiven. We place before you the pain and anguish of dispossession of land, language, lore, culture and family kinship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have experienced. We live in faith that all people will rise from the depths of despair and hopelessness.

ALL: Lord hear our prayer.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families have endured the pain and loss of loved ones, through the separation of children from their families. We are sorry and ask God’s forgiveness. Touch the hearts of the broken, homeless and afflicted and heal their spirits. In your mercy and compassion walk with us as we continue our journey of healing to create a future that is just and equitable. Lord, you are our hope.

ALL: Amen.

Prayer for Reconciliation #1

This prayer has been adapted from the Preface of the Eucharistic Prayer for the Mass of Reconciliation, Australian Catholic Social Justice Council, Prayer Card, 2006: 

In the midst of conflict and division,
We know it is you
Who turns our minds to thoughts of peace.
Your spirit changes hearts:
Enemies begin to speak to one another,
Those who were estranged join hands in friendship,
And nations seek the way of peace together.
Let your spirit be at work in us.
Give us understanding
and put an end to strife,
Fill us with your mercy
and overcome our denial.
Grant us wisdom and teach us to learn
from the people of the land.
Call us to justice.

Prayer for Reconciliation #2

This prayer was written by Bishop Arthur Malcolm, taken from 'A Prayer Book for Australia':

Lord God, bring us together as one,
Reconciled with you and with each other.
You made us in your likeness.
You gave us your Son, Jesus Christ.
He has given us forgiveness from sin.
Lord God, bring us together as one,
Different in culture, but given new life in Jesus Christ:
Together as your body, your church, your people.
Lord God, bring us together as one,
Reconciled, healed, forgiven,
Sharing you with others as you have called us to do.
In Jesus Christ, let us be together as one.

Aboriginal Our Father

The Lord’s Prayer from the “Missa Kimberley”. Copyright applies. Diocese of Broome, Western Australia:

You are Our Father, you live in heaven
We talk to you, Father you are good (repeat)

We believe your Word Father
We your children, give us bread today (repeat)
We have done wrong, we are sorry
Help us Father not to sin again (repeat)
Others have done wrong to us
And we are sorry for them, Father today (repeat)
Stop us from doing wrong, Father
Save us all from the evil one (repeat)
You are Our Father, you live in heaven
We talk to you, Father you are good (repeat)


We have a range of other liturgical resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice available on our January 26th Services Page.

Let us know in the comments how your church is engaging in Reconciliation Week this year, or any other resources that you may want to share on this page with other churches.

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