NSW Coercive Control Laws
Ellaina Welsman, Common Grace's Community Engagement and Operations Manager, reflects on new coercive control laws in NSW that aim to more accurately reflect lived experiences of abuse.
Community Engagement and Operations Manager at Common Grace.
Ellaina is the Fundraising and Operations Manager at Common Grace, and has a diverse background in strategy, project management, fundraising and communications, and church engagement. With a Masters in International Studies (Refugees) Ellaina has spent the last decade serving in the not-for-profit sector, seeking to help end global poverty and systemic injustices. Most recently Ellaina worked for one of Australia's largest Christian international development agencies helping grow the church's generosity and engagement with global poverty. Ellaina's passion for gender equality, living sustainably, and helping organisations thrive is driven by her love for Jesus and His compassion for all of creation. Ellaina and her family are living in Awabakal Country (Newcastle).
Ellaina Welsman, Common Grace's Community Engagement and Operations Manager, reflects on new coercive control laws in NSW that aim to more accurately reflect lived experiences of abuse.
May is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It is a time for all of us to speak up about the dark reality of domestic and family abuse that is far too common in Australia.
Ellaina Welsman leads us in prayer as we celebrate the birth of Christ today.