A National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week colouring-in has been developed as a children’s resource. The artworks are by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leader and Artist Safina Stewart.
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Title: Tree of Life
Artist: Safina Stewart
Country: Wuthathi Country and Mabuiag Island
Date: 2021
Art type: Acrylic Paint on Canvas
Website: www.artbysafina.com.au
This painting emphasises Jesus as the tree of life with leaves for the healing of the nations. It is a deep invitation by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leader, Safina Stewart, to participate in reconciliation and healing by being truth tellers and seeking justice.
Revelation 22:2 “And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”
Gum Tree & Cross - Jesus as the Tree of Life, who brings truth, healing and life
Gum leaves: for healing, welcome, and new beginnings
Campfires: represent all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations and all nations from around the globe
Water: symbolises the River of Life
Artwork not to be copied or used without permission.
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This painting invites us into truth, justice, and action, that will lead to "Healing Country" and result in the flourishing of Aboriginal peoples, Torres Strait Islander peoples, all peoples of all cultures, and of all creation, in these lands now called Australia.
This artwork explores the parallels of the sun, as a powerful source of healing, life and light with the power of influence, truth, and action. The concentric circles resemble a ripple effect and is a reminder that one good action can have a huge positive impact. The traditional weaving patterns is a reminder of our connectedness and that our communal actions for justice will have a multiplying effect.
Title: Healing Country
Artist: Safina Stewart
Country: Wuthathi Country and Mabuiag Island
Date: 2021
Art type: Acrylic Paint on Canvas
Location: Wonthaggi, Victoria, Australia, Bunurong Country
Academic Referencing: Stewart, Safina. Healing Country, 2021. Acrylic paint on canvas, private collection, Wonthaggi, Victoria, Australia, Bunurong Country
Artwork not to be copied or used without permission.
This page is part of Common Grace's Treaty and Truth Telling for Healing Country campaign