The Power of Vulnerability

Charlene Delos Santos declares “It was a shock to have their leader get down on his knees to serve them this way” as part of Common Grace's Jesus and Justice Lent Devotional Series.


“It was a shock to have their leader get down on his knees to serve them this way”


Our dominant culture says that life is about power, status and putting yourself first. To act justly means being counter cultural because you must consider the needs of others as important as your own. Jesus goes even further. He says that life is about washing each others’ feet; lowering yourself to put others first. Charlene Delos Santos explains that when we choose to serve the least among us, it can make us feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. But Jesus shows us that servanthood is what it looks like to love others. It is at the heart of what life is all about.


Reflect: Consider a time when you may have felt vulnerable or uncomfortable when serving other people. Ask God for his peace as he leads you in this.

Act: Take part in a group or activity in your local area that looks after people who may otherwise be overlooked.



Charlene Delos Santos was born in the Philippines and moved to Naarm (Melbourne) when she was six years old. She lives in Maribyrnong, with her husband Michael and is part of Dwell Ascot Vale Church of Christ. She is the director of Surrender, an organisation calling Christians to follow Jesus to the margins, and also coordinates 2nd Gen youth ministries with the Baptist Union of Victoria. She has a youth work background, having previously worked with Scripture Union Victoria in schools ministry for over a decade. She holds a Bachelor of Social Science (Youth Work) and is currently studying theology at Whitley College. She is passionate about seeing the church flourish in cultural diversity.



Next week: Brooke Prentis asks us to consider who the ‘unseen’ neighbours are in our life.

Jesus + Justice