Get involved in the National Time For A Home Campaign

Today, there are still around 260 people held against their will in Papua New Guinea and Nauru. Over 1000 women, men and children have been transferred to Australia for critical medical treatment and continue to live with uncertainty about their visa status.. Over 100 of those people are held in locked immigration detention centres and ‘alternative places of detention’, such as the Park Hotel Melbourne and Kangaroo Point Hotel Brisbane. 

There are numerous ways to participate in #TimeForAHome. We invite you to call out to God for change in our nation and to act together in your local area to tell our leaders of the community’s commitment to #TimeForAHome and show solidarity with people in arbitrary detention.




Find local and online #TimeForAHome events




Pray with us. Use the guide below to pray for justice and freedom for those seeking asylum in our country.




Bring before God the details of people who are seeking asylum who need safety and welcome.



These prayers come from a Collection of Resources from Love Makes A Way - you can find more here.


Want to find out more about the #TimeForAHome Campaign? see here.