On Palm Sunday, we remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and celebrate God’s Kingdom drawing near.
It’s traditionally been a day to reflect on victory, joy and peace. Since the 1970s in Australia, Palm Sunday has been a day Christians, and other people of good will, gather together at rallies drawing attention to social issues relating to peace. From the anti-nuclear themes of the 80s, to the anti-war protests of the early 2000s, and more recently to stand in solidarity with refugees across the world, Palm Sunday is now its own global movement for peace and justice.
Usually, this means flocking to the streets in support of justice for people from refugee backgrounds, gathering in our thousands, to demand our leaders respond to those seeking safety with compassion. This year, we’ll take our voices online and join the call across the country to ensure that people seeking asylum are not left behind during the coronavirus pandemic.
This weekend, we invite you to join us online – as we come together to call for a just future.
We'll stand together (separately in our homes!) in solidarity. We'll express our commitment to fighting for a better future for refugees and people seeking asylum - and indeed for all of us.
In calling for a just future, we stand in solidarity with First Nations Peoples fighting for justice on their own Lands, with survivors of domestic violence, and with calls for creation and climate justice. Jesus calls us to live out a radical, inclusive love – and to live into His Kingdom where all people have equal opportunity to belong and flourish.
We long for the day when those who come to our shores for safety are met with the kindness and compassion that the Bible teaches us to bestow upon others. ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these [those who are hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick or imprisoned] who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ (Matthew 25:40).
Over the past few months, we’ve seen examples of loving your neighbour across these lands now called Australia – as bushfires swept across the land, firefighters worked tirelessly to save lives and property, with faith groups banding together to cook meals for those on the frontline. In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, mutual aid and community support groups have sprung up over social media, bringing neighbours together to care for the vulnerable in their communities.
We need to model this compassionate, inclusive response to crisis once more. We are called to love our neighbours – and particularly in the face of this pandemic, we’re reminded that our neighbours include those seeking safety on our shores. So, this weekend, join Common Grace in prayer and action, to ensure that refugees and people seeking asylum are supported through this crisis.
Join a solidarity action online:
Post a prayer to your social media and commit to action:
View our prayer resources here.
Contact your local MP:
Kate Leaney is the Team Lead for our Justice for People Seeking Asylum campaign.