Refugee Week 2022

Common Grace is celebrating Refugee Week 2022 by sharing a special series of stories, reflections and prayers  pointing to the hope and journey of healing made possible  through relationships.

19 - 25 June 2022 is Refugee Week. This week only comes around once a year and is a unique opportunity to take time to learn about the experiences of people from refugee backgrounds and to celebrate the valuable contributions made by refugees to the world and our communities. 

The theme of Refugee Week 2022 is Healing. 

Common Grace is celebrating Refugee Week 2022 by sharing a special series of stories, reflections and prayers  pointing to the hope and journey of healing made possible  through relationships.

Healing comes through welcome into community and welcome into the journey of building relationships together. 

We will be hearing moving and powerful stories of welcome, advocacy, connection and friendship from individuals with lived experience of seeking asylum in these lands now called Australia, as well as Christians seeking to live out Jesus’ call to love our neighbours. 

Our prayer is that these diverse stories and experiences will inspire, challenge and encourage us to reflect on the role and opportunity each of us has in creating communities that welcome, advocate, connect, care and seek to love our refugee neighbours.  



As part of our journey through Refugee Week 2022, artist and proud Wuthithi and Mabuiag Island woman Safina Stewart has designed a beautiful series of images to help us reflect on the gift of welcome, connection and belonging.

(Left to Right) 

Travelling lines to honour the journey and stories of our refugee and asylum seeker friends.

Two friends sitting at a campfire in honour of friendships made.

A community campfire that recognises welcome, safety and belonging as a basic human right.

The ripple effects of the enrichment and gifts our refugee and asylum seeker friends bring to our lives and communities.


Refugee Week is also a great opportunity for churches to get involved to grow collectively into communities of healing and welcome. Common Grace has a range of prayer resources to help churches engage in praying for Refugee Week and Justice for People Seeking Asylum. 


As an independent movement, Common Grace relies on generous donations to reach more people and raise a generous Christian voice in the public conversation. As part of your Refugee Week 2022 engagement we invite you to consider making a donation to support the work of Common Grace as we continue to join our voices in calling for Justice for People Seeking Asylum in these lands now called Australia.