#ShowYourStripes and call for urgent action on climate change!
Throughout July - October we will be meeting with MPs and Senators, including on zoom, to gift them our scarves and engage them in a conversation around the need for a bold and credible national plan to tackle the climate crisis. If you have knitted a scarf we would love you to join with us to share your stories and gift your scarf to our Federal Parliamentarians. Find out more.
Please get ready to join us on 21 October, our next key moment where together we will be calling for our Federal Parliamentarians to #WearTheScarf and take bold, ambitious and urgent action on climate change. This is a significant date as it is the last joint sitting day in Parliament before the United Nations climate conference in Glasgow, COP 26. This will be the most important climate conference since Paris in 2015 (COP 21) and we want to send a gracious message of support to our nation's leaders for Australia to attend in a spirit of leadership, ready to commit to bold, courageous and just action on climate change. We want to encourage our Federal Parliamentarians to step up and commit to ambitious emission reduction targets. We want to inspire leaders across the political spectrum to listen to and be led by those most impacted by our warming world, Aboriginal peoples, Torres Strait Islander peoples, and our neighbours - peoples of the Pacific Island nations. More information coming soon.
Would you like to spark action and conversations in your community for climate action?
If you are not involved already we would love to invite you to take part in our ongoing Knit for Climate Action campaign. If you have finished knitting a scarf, half-finished one, or plan to knit one, keep going! We would love to reach as many leaders and people of influence as possible with our message of creation and climate justice. In particular, we would love you to consider gifting a scarf to your church pastor, minister or reverend, especially in the lead up to Season of Creation (1 September - 4 October). Imagine churches across these lands now called Australia filled with climate stripe scarves as we celebrate Season of Creation 2021. If you gift your scarf, please remember to share photos, and your story, with Common Grace at [email protected]
For more information about Knit for Climate Action, and to register to take part, please visit here.
Thank you for joining us on 21 June to #ShowYourStripes.
On June 21 Common Grace gathered together on Ngunnawal and Nambri country in Canberra to present our Knit for Climate Action scarves to key Federal Parliamentarians. June 21 is winter solstice and #ShowYourStripes Day where we shared our #CommonThreads as we met with key Parliamentarians, asking them to #WearTheScarf and take action on climate change for our #CommonHome. We were blown away by the positive support we received and engagement we had with Members of Parliament and Senators on 21 June. To find out more about our Canberra event, please visit here.
Thank you also to everyone who joined us to #ShowYourStripes on Social Media, 21 June.
VIEW our #ShowYourStripes Facebook gallery to see pictures of our event in Canberra, meetings with MPs and some of our wonderful knitters showing their beautiful climate stripe scarves as we joined together to call for climate action for the protection and flourishing of our #CommonHome.
Please joins us and continue to #ShowYourStripes!
Let's use our social media feeds for good and continue to send a powerful message to our MPs and Senators about the need for bold and urgent action on climate change to preserve and restore our common home, for the flourishing of all God’s creation.
Share your Photo
Instagram - share a picture of yourself wearing a climate stripe scarf, or if you're still knitting we would love to see your stripes in action! If you don't have a scarf, we would love for you to download and share the Common Grace climate stripes to post on instagram. Download Instagram Graphic Here
Facebook - Add our facebook frame to your profile picture to #ShowYourStripes. Facebook frame available here.
Send a Message
Post your photo with a targeted message to your Federal Parliamentarians, calling for them to take urgent action on climate change by sharing the message below. Find out who your state Senators and MP are here https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members. You can then choose who you would like to send this message to and find their Instagram @ tag through a quick google search. For example, Scott Morrison MP would be @scottmorrisonmp
I’m calling @FederalMP and @Senator to #ShowYourStripes and take action on climate change to #StopTheRed. I stand with people across these lands now called Australia, united in our diversity, joined together by our #CommonThreads calling for climate action for our #Common Home.
@CommonGraceAus #ShowYourStripes #CommonGraceAus @climatehawkins #CommonThreads #CommonHome #CreationAndClimateJustice #WearTheScarf #AusPol
Twitter Share the message below and change your profile picture to the Common Grace climate stripes.
I’m calling for urgent climate action @FederalMP and @Senator #ShowYourStripes and take urgent action on climate change. @CommonGraceAus @climatehawkins #CommonThreads #CommonHome #CreationAndClimateJustice #WearTheScarf
Don’t have social media? Your family and friends can help you! Maybe your grandchild, son, daughter or someone from your church community could post your message on their social media. They can add a small message “I am so encouraged by <your name> for her/his action to knit a climate scarf with @CommonGrace Knit for Climate Action and call on our nation’s leaders to take urgent action on climate change. Join us and #ShowYourStripes.”
You can also share your photo and story with us at [email protected]
Please join us as we continue to call for urgent climate action and Knit for Climate Action. For more information and to register to take part please visit here.
About the Climate Stripes
The pattern of the Common Grace Knit for Climate Action scarves represent the average global temperature across the last 101 years, based on Professor Ed Hawkins’ #ShowYourStripes graph. Hawkins developed the idea of representing climate data through coloured stripes as a way of communicating the rise in global temperatures in a simple way that can be understood with minimal scientific knowledge required.
Inspired by a similar project from the Cambridge Federation of Women’s Institute and using Dr Mick Pope’s temperature data from 1919 to 2019, each temperature is assigned a different colour and then a stripe is knitted to correspond to each year. What results is a scarf that visually tells the story of our warming world in a hauntingly beautiful way.
Our climate stripes graphic is based on the stripes of our Knit for Climate Action scarves.
Find out more about Knit for Climate Action and how you can be involved here.