Like most of you, we are heartbroken by all the news we have seen in recent days as Syrians have been forced to flee their home in search of safety. What can we say other than our broken old world truly needs our Saviour Jesus?

Today, we have launched a call to our Immigration Minister, urging him to give real and practical assistance to those in need on behalf of all Australians. In partnership with others working in the asylum seeker and refugee space, we have called on Mr Dutton to both accept an emergency intake of Syrian refugees and to allocate significant financial assistance to the United Nations for their work addressing this global crisis.
We believe that our call echoes the heart of our God, who always hears the cry of the oppressed and who is the author of all peace.
Will you please stand with us, as we call on Mr Dutton and pray that he would have the courage to lead a national response to this tragedy that is marked by compassion, generosity and a profound sense of the value of every single human life?
And would you please take the time to share this blog and the petition with those in your world who also have a heart to see God’s justice reign here on earth?
With thanks for your support, as always,
From Kylie, Tim, Justin, Jarrod and all the Common Grace team