You are invited by Aunty Jean Phillips, Senior Aboriginal Christian Leader, to a National Prayer Gathering led by Aboriginal Christian Leaders to #ChangeTheHeart of Australia before January 26.
When: Tuesday 25 January, 2022
7:30pm AEDT
7:00pm ACDT, 6:30pm AEST, 6:00pm ACST, 4:30pm AWST
Where: Tune into the national broadcast on ACCTV, the Common Grace website or join a local screening.
Sign up today and commit to watching #ChangeTheHeart 2022 to receive further resources to help you engage deeper and participate as we hear the call in 2022.
More information on how to watch can be found here.
Share this opportunity with your church and community networks, inviting them to #ChangeTheHeart 2022. If you or your church or community would like to screen #ChangeTheHeart 2022 please sign up here. Promotional resources will be provided.
January 26 is a difficult time for many people across these lands now called Australia. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are feeling many emotions and are hurting, grieving, mourning, and commemorating survival, on this day. That’s why gathering together to listen and learn and pray for a nation built on truth, justice, love and hope is so important.
We are pleased to again be partnering with ACCTV - an Australian-based, Video on Demand (VOD) and Subscription Broadcast TV platform to broadcast #ChangeTheHeart 2022. ACCTV offers a vast array of quality, relevant programming. Their programs are family-friendly and support Christian values. ACCTV delivers a wide range of movies, popular TV series, teaching programs, kids’ shows, documentaries and much more. ACCTV aims to inspire, to offer hope and to celebrate story on any screen, anytime and anywhere. ACCTV is available to watch on Channel 182 on Foxtel, online at, on smart phones, devices, and TVs by downloading the ACCTV app, on the Optus D2 Satellite TV and via Fetch TV service.
Find out more about ACCTV, the Home of Good TV create an account and download the ACCTV app today.
If you would like to make a donation to help Common Grace cover the cost of #ChangeTheHeart 2022 and continue to pursue a world where we are led by our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders to see friendship and Reconciliation in our lifetime, please click here.
Need more information or have questions? Please visit our FAQ's page or email [email protected].